Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What season are we in?

Are you having a hard time transitioning into spring because of the jacked up weather? I am!

I want to wear flirty skirts and open-toed shoes... but I can't stand having chilly legs all day and clammy, squishy feet. Thank you Wisconsin 50-degree-and-rainy climate - NOT!

How are you dealing with it? Protesting by wearing your springy things anyway? Pouting in layers and boots? I am compromising... bought some linen-like trousers (wide leg- they are great with heels!) and bright shirts to wear with them, as well as polka-dot espadrilles (the height will keep me out of the puddles I hope).

Here are some half-in half-out spring choices, just in case you can't make up your mind...

It's a boot! It's a sandal! No, it's BOTH! I'm not sure where you'd wear this. I'm pretty sure if you wore it anywhere it would be inappropriate. Not recommended.

Try a nude patent leather heel instead. Not a peep-toe, because who wants soggy toes? These are slick and will go with everything.

Spring is the perfect time for showing off your stomach, right? Eh, wrong. Not that YOU have a bad stomach - in fact I'm sure it is lovely - but this shirt will make it look icky no matter what.

Try a 3/4 sleeve floral number instead. This will prevent chilly arms yet can be worn with a sweater if you absolutely need it. Pair with long skirt, short skirt, trouser jeans, linen pants.. anything!

Another very pretty option. Pink and green - LOVE it.

Or a pretty plaid. In fact, all of these will look nice under that bulky sweater you are still nursing.

Detail around the collar will draw attention to the small bit of skin you're willing to expose to the cold! Take heart - the sun will come out. Maybe not tomorrow, but someday soon...
Another detailed one in a sweet, denim-y blue.

Dresses are still a great option too. I'm not against wearing boots into the official spring season. Booties might look good with this, actually, and keep it from looking too 60s costumey (as knee-high boots might).

Hmm.. Why is she facing away?? Don't know what happened here, why I got this pic instead of the front-facing one. Anyhoo... arms covered - check. Cheery print - check. We have a winner!

Let me know how you're coping with this tricky, icky season so far. And when all else fails, throw on a fabulous trench and you are literally covered!

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